Chapter 1.
Hello. That’s all she said. That seemed to me amazing.
Having altered the course of the human race. And not for the better. And all she had to say was hello.
It’s tough being the judge of men. They die. They think that’s it. The End. Well it’s not.
After 2500 years of publicity in all it’s forms. And still they don’t believe that after they die they get Judged.
You’ll have probably figured out who I am by now.
You’re wrong. He doesn’t do the judging. I do. And I’ve been doing it for millions of years. Since the first one of you died.
They think I’m him. They refer to me as “God”. It’s too complicated, time consuming and distracting to inform them of who I am and why it’s me that is judging them. They would start demanding to be judged by the man himself...
So I let them think I’m him.
And now, She is standing in front of me. No pleas for help. No cry for mercy. In the scale of bad things that have been done. This woman pails in comparison to old blue tongue.
She died in that white dress she wore for the poster that started the hole thing. It became her trade mark. They even started a hole chain of stores with white dresses that carried her name for a brand.
So now she stands in front of me wearing that same dress.
At age 135, she decided to relive the hole thing in her head. Went up to the attic of that old house she bought in her stardom and wore it for the last time.
Chapter 2.
This woman was gorgeous. She was really beautiful. Perfectly symmetrical.
A study of her body showed that the very small proportional differences in her body were not distinguishable by the human eye.
This came advantageous when all the 161,352 photographers who had the chance to take her picture, over the course of her life, turned out perfect shots. All of them. Didn’t matter which angle they where taken from.
All her hair strands were exactly the same pantone. This particular study took 30 years in the making. And for 30 years no matter where she was on the planet, her hair was cut by a specialist from the project. Every cut strand was measured and diagnosed as the same pantone.
Her breasts didn’t start sagging until the age of 45. She was fertile to the age of 60. She had 36 Billion US Dollars by the age of 35. Economic control from Mexico to Argentina by the age of 50. And political control of the common wealth of the Americas by the age of 70.
She didn’t mind not being president. That would have been a step down for her.
And with all her accomplishments she disseminated 3 Billion people. One third of the population of the planet.
She was never told the actual figure in comparison to the total population of the planet. So she never felt bad about it.
Chapter 3.
I had to tell her what she had done.
I didn’t have a choice.
She was being judged for it. She had to know.
So I began the tale by explaining to her where she was. And what was going on. We used all the necessary helpful techniques so she wouldn’t have an adverse reaction to the news : You’re dead. This is your trial. Good Luck.
We analyzed her conscious mind to see if she was aware of what she had done. Big surprise there. She wasn’t. Don’t be shocked. Hitler wasn’t either. Not fully.
I didn’t know were to begin to explain to her what she had done. She wouldn’t understand. After all she didn’t actually do anything. It was all done in her name.
It wasn’t done maliciously by another behind the scenes.
The people that actually committed atrocities weren’t aware of what they were doing either. They thought the hole thing was O.K.
I just did what I’ve been doing forever ; I said : Your actions resulted in the death of one third of the planet’s population. It’s not looking very good for you.
Don’t fright. This was no ordinary woman. She wasn’t scared. She simply asked what was going to happen to her.
Smart she was.
It scored her no points though.
You’ll probably be deleted. Vamoosed, gone. Your consciousness will be no more. You won’t exist.
- How long will this trial take ?
- As long as we want it to take.
- So we could stay here forever ?
- Forever is a long time.
- What is my charge ?
- Lack of consciousness.
- I was more aware than most people on the planet.
- No you weren’t. If you had been you wouldn’t have been the way you were.
- What wasn’t I aware of ?
- A lot.
- What ?
Inside people’s minds there is a guide that lists the feelings-things that are OK and the things that aren’t.
A sense that what they do is OK. Yours is out of whack. It is calibrated by the choices that you make. You calibrated it strangely.
Your soul did.
There is something wrong with your soul.
This made you make choices that you thought were OK when they actually weren’t.
And since you were who you were you de-calibrated people’s choices. This spread trough the world like a virus. People started doing very bad things.
They didn’t feel bad about them.
It continued.
People died. The world is going to hell in a Bucket.
Your more than lovely figure and your choices incited people publicly to date rape when you did the highest selling ever playboy videos while you were in power.
But you decided that “date rape” deserved time in jail.
You also decided that in jail everyone should have a terrible time.
People learned to kill without remorse in jails. Rage took over.
They didn’t feel remorse once they got out of jail, because in a sense you taught them not to feel remorse. They killed all they wanted.
103,456 people died the first year that you declared the aforementioned “moral laws” because of the aforementioned “moral laws”.
You knew this was happening. Studies showed you this was happening.
You didn’t feel bad about it.
You did nothing.
It also triggered a war between the sexes. A war that women finally won. Men became in a very unconscious way objects for reproduction. And science made them obsolete.
Obsolete men. Hoards of them. The result of years of letting the weak survive, created raping gangs. It wasn’t pretty.
You made decisions for the masses because of your position of power. Those decisions resulted in the deaths and degradation of millions of people. Generating a culture. A barbaric one. That fought itself and won. Technology gave them weapons and money gave them power. Years from know they’ll destroy each other.
One third of the population will die in the most devastating war in the history of the planet.
You mean ?, I didn’t do this in my life time ?
No, you’re being judged for the things that will happen after your death as well.
Because of you and your actions, the second coming is being planed as we speak. Eons ahead of schedule.
Chapter 4.
But if I’m broke then shouldn’t I be fixed and let go ?
Fixing you would mean changing your soul self. You wouldn’t be you anymore. It’s the same thing as deleting you and using your energy to create another.
- You could send me down to fix what I’ve done. Said this woman.
- A resurrection ? That’s ridiculous. How would you know that your decisions are the right ones ?
- A book. You could give me a book with that would guide me.
The biggest library in the world would not be big enough to cover all the correct choices for all the correct actions and options. That’s why the soul gives people the correct feeling when they need it. It can carry all the information for you.
I could follow a set of rules.
How could we be sure that you would follow them. Free will is an obligation.
- Delete me. The last communication the universe ever got from her.
- Done.
1 comment:
Da DA Da da...
I like this ne better. I read the first chapter thinking, "Who is this woman..." thinking she may well have been a real public figure. Hmmm Eva Peron? No one has killed 3 billion people directly as far as I know.
There is a good case for the indirect though... think Coca Cola or the free market. Coke is cheaper tha clean water in some parts of the world.
What about the U.S.A.? I have had my shgare of that famous illness of rich people - depression. What is the best daily treatment for it? Greasy food and coke. Best cause? An imbalance of serotonin and adrenaline caused by a high-stress lifestyle fueled by a diet of caffeine and fast-food. A sense for the need to be productive to have a meaningful existence.
Millions of people dying of excess in the rich countries of the world, by obesity, heart disease and depression. Millions dying of a lack f clean water, education, respect, and other things.
It might be easier to be responsible for 3 million deaths in this way.
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