Bogotá, March 3 / 2008
Dear United States men and women,
Either stop snorting cocaine, or stop overpaying for it.
I beg of you.
Honestly; the cost without including labour, of producing 1 gram of 100% pure cocaine is arround COP$1.000,oo or arround USD$0,55 (Exchange rate $1 USD = $1.803,oo COP)
Selling price shouldn't under any circumstance exeed around COP$5.000,oo or around USD$2,77 wich is today, arround the price for 1 gram of cocaine in the streets of Bogotá, the capital of Colombia.
If some seller, says otherwise, please don't belive him or her. And please buy it some where else. They are out to make money, and since they can lie all they want on illegal cocaine trades, they do so, willingly and happily.
If you pay, as I've been informed, USD$40 or more, for 1 gram of 100% pure cocaine, you are grosely overpaying; and this is what motivates arround 1 million peasets and some educated individuals in Colombia, to produce and fight and murder and scam and cheat each other, and even finance an entire army called FARC-EP, in order to get cocaine into the USA.
Please. Either stop snorting cocaine, or stop overpaying for it.
And besides, the coca plant will grow all along your southern border. Maybe you could be kind enough, to produce your own. Maybe even devise or invent cheaper and far more efficient production methods, and then maybe, just maybe, you would help us stop the madness.
If the problem is a question of information, then any half decent journalist should be able to provide you with the recipe to make 100% pure cocaine. And as you can see, it's not really that expensive to make.
And I'm sure you can find quemists who could help improve the process. And even maybe lower production costs.
Those who care.
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