
Here is the Thing

I , You , We , They

If I am an I, Then I can't be a You.

I = I , I =/ Y

Or can I?

I can be a You, while being an I, from the perspective of a You. (In my imagination)

I + Yi = Y this is the math of an imaginary friend. I imagine me being You, putting myself in your shoes. I plus I imagining I'm you seeing myself trough you eyes equals You.

And so I = Y + Ye (Where Ye is you imagining you are me, putting yourself in my shoes.)

But I can't be a You, if I am an I, from the perspective of an I. (Blocking my ability to imagine myself as you)

From the perspective I, I can't be a You.

If I + Yi = Y , Y - Yi = I
and Y + Ye = I , I - Ye = Y
Then Y + Ye + Yi = Y and so Y + Ye = Y - Yi so I = Y
and I + Yi + Ye = I , I + Yi = I - Ye , Y = I
So Y = I

There is no difference between You and I, imagination is the Key.

and I + Yi = Y + Ye and since I = Y then our imaginations are the same?

The thing is perspective. We are lacking. We lack perspectives, perspectives that don't limit us. We need to come up with more perspectives. For example a perspective where I can be I and You at the same time. (I don't know if you noticed, but this ability to imagine myself as I and as You, makes me Omnipresent in a way. In this case, unlike being a little pregnant, I can be a little Omniprecent)

Personalities are like swatches, you really should have more than one.

(Descartes was wrong.
It isn't I think, therefore I am.
It's I imagine myself,
therefore myself exists,
therefore I exist.
It's I imagine myself, therefore I am.)

If only we could build a machine, that could imagine itself. We wouldn't need a soul.

Or would that be We?

From We, I can act as I and as You. I can think in terms of me and some other, toghether. We both have the same objectives, and challenges etc, it's happening to both of us at the same time. So as We, I can be I and You at the same time.

I + Y = W , I + Yi + I = W , 2I + Yi = W , some would argue that we need to add the others imagination of being me to make a We, 2I + Yi + Ye = W

if Y = I + Yi then Y + I + Ye = W , Would this mean that it is possible for there to be a We without me imagining me being You? The math of relationships?

And then I = Y + Ye, because Y = I + Yi

I = I + Yi + Ye

I – I = Yi + Ye , someone help me out here. I minus myself equals our imaginations of each being the other? And would I – I = 2I since 2I = Ye + Yi ?

Could I then say

Y – Y = Yi + Ye

and so that

I – I = Y – Y, so without me there wouldn't be a You? The math of life after death?

W – 2I - Ye = Yi , this means, that We without I and You and with out you imagining being me, leaves my imagination of me being You. This would be an argument for me being I plus my imagination and they could exist independent from each other. Unless someone argued that it be incorrect to substract I – Yi = ?

W – Yi = 2I + Ye , this would explain what?

if I = Ye + Y

then W – Yi = 3Ye + 2Y and this one is tough, because What the hell does this say? Does this make me undividable?

and so it gets complicated. Or I'm just wrong.

Being a We is, seen from this point of view, excellent, and a clear advantage to life as a couple.

I can be one of We, only if I perceive myself as an I among two. And in this case, I am an I. And I can Imagine myself as a You. So I can be an I and a You. Therefore I am a We.

Would this make 2I = W and would this correlate to the I = Y proposition? Is this the math of “We are all one”?

W = I + Y
W = I + Yi + Y + Ye
Since I = Y
W = 2I + Yi + Ye and so from (2Y = Ye + Yi) W = 2I + 2Y or W = 2I + 2I = 4I
W = 2Y + Yi + Ye and so from (2I = Ye + Yi) W = 2Y + 2I or W = 2Y + 2Y = 4Y
W – 2Y = Yi + Ye or W – 2Y = 2Y
W – 2I = Yi + Ye or W – 2I = 2I
4I = 4Y = W, does this say that there is no difference between me and my imagination? Or is it between me and my imagination of me? And if my imagination has the same effect as I, then Am I made of me plus my imagination? So am I not One but Two? Or four? Or infinite? Am I infinite?

I can't be one of We, when I am not among two. And in this case, I am not an I and a You. I am only an I. (Using my imagination to see two, diferent from myself, away from myself) This being the drawback of being single.
And so, the two of wich I am not a part of, become They. They I don't like. They means disconnectedness, lonelyness, separation, segregation. They is not a nice perspective. (Unless you are winning a war, and They are the enemy.)

T = W – I
T = W – Y
T = I + Y – I
T = Y
T = I

But if I am not one of them. And therefore I am an I. And at least I'll have myself. Then I can't be one of We from the perspective of being part of We.

Or can I? Yes I can. I can cheat.

I can be an I, apart from Them, while being a We. By making a group that is a We, separate from another group that would be They. That would make it a We separate from them.

T = W – 4I, I would be a part of W and the 4I would be different from me.

If I am an I and see a group of Them, then I would not be a part of Them. And in this case I would be an I.

So I can't be an I and at the same time be a part of them, unless I am among them, as an I. And that would make us We. And not them. I would have to stop being an I and be a I and a You to be a part of them, wich would make the group a We.

Or I can't be an I and at the same time be a part of them.

I can only be part of We. I can't be part of them. Or can I?

Could I cheat? Yes I can redefine Them as us and a bigger group containing us, explaining it to a third.

If you've made it this far, then you're smarter than I. And smarter than They. And possibly, though I'm not sure. Even smarter than yourself.

Manuel Villa

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