
Is myself the same as I?

I = my brain + my nervous system + my body

I = Brain + Nervous System + Body

I = B + NS + BD

Myself = I “imagining myself”

Myself = (B + NS + BD) “imagining itself” (Perspective: I looking at I from outside of I)

MS = (B + NS + BD)*(Bi + NSi + BDi) Is this mathematical interpretation correct?

MS = I * (Bi + NSi + BDi)

Myself = I * ((Brain imagined by I) + (Nervous System imagined by I) + (Body imagined by I))

I = Myself / ((Brain imagined by I) + (Nervous System imagined by I) + (Body imagined by I))

If I define myself as me:

I = me

I = Body

I = BD

Myself = I “imagining myself”

Myself = BD “imagining itself” (Perspective: I looking at I from outside of I)

MS = (BD)*(BDi) Is this mathematical interpretation correct?

MS = I * (BDi)

Myself = I * (Body imagined by I)

I = MS / BDi

And since I call my body “One”, then MS / One = 1, and therefore I am 1.

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